tirsdag 1. september 2009

Istanbul - ESERA 2009

Istanbul er ok, også konferansen  ESERA 2009. Litt i største laget kansje, over 1000 deltakere og nesten like mange innlegg. 

Jeg er en av dem. "The use of web-logs in discussions on conceptual knowledge" by Liv Byrkjeflot*, Dag Atle Lysne*, and Margaret Lloyd*** Finnmark University College, Follumsvei 31, 9509 Alta, Norway ** Queensland University of Technology, Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove Qld 4059, Australia

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Bernt sa...

Liv Byrkjeflot, Dag Atle Lysne, Margaret Lloyd
When students deal with theoretical concepts in Science and other subjects, it is of central importance that they
have the opportunity to discuss their views and perceptions. In Norway, technology is a central part of the Science
curriculum for primary schools. In this study, the students have built wind-powered land yachts linked to
the theoretical discussions on energy and other related theme within Physics. As a part of the project, the students
were invited to share their constructions processes through a web-log. Five schools participated in the
study during the autumn of 2008. The activity on the web-log varied extensively between schools and we are
tentatively ascribing this outcome to teacher behaviour and involvement. In a large proportion of the postings,
the students’ contributions were limited to descriptions of their activity. A small number, however, focussed on
prediction of results and future actions as well as teamwork and collaboration. In their blogging, the students
used everyday language with very few instances of school scientific phrases. The opportunity to make use of
the affordances of technology to articulate, share and reflect on scientific invention can in the future be available
through teacher initiative direction.